Saturday, August 11, 2012

My vicarious love life

As I creep ever closer to 28 (Thanks! Just a balanced diet and lots of water) more of my friends are getting married and having children meaning their ‘gossip’ is more about breastfeeding and wedding centerpieces than one night stands and STIs (or STDs as they were called back then). It’s a sad reality.
So it brings me great joy that three of my close friends have recently joined RSVP, and another is putting in some serious dating legwork. My vicarious love life is as entertaining as ever.
When it comes to online dating, what could be better than to be able to sit and judge people in the comfort of your own home, without the noise and drunken idiots of clubs and pubs? You just can’t ask for more than that.
Although being in a relationship is the goal and the ultimate happiness of their activities, it’s certainly entertaining to be there for the journey. Although I always loved telling stories of failed dates with failed guys, it was a comparatively small satisfaction in relation to the hours spent actually living the experiences from which the stories would stem.  Not worth it.
But to hear about it from someone else is a joy. Sure, I want my friends to be happy, but I truly feel like the failed dates are as important as the good ones simply for the wealth of character building stories they will acquire and be able to share…with me.
So far, there are guys who wear sneakers with jeans and others who can barely speak a word of English. Some own Chihuahuas, some invite you round the night their mum dies, and others are just great big perverts (well, most are but some are very open about it…and they’re bald on top with a ponytail at the back. No!)
And then there’s me - the backseat driver and engaged spectator avoiding as long as I can conversations that will be peppered with marriage, mortgage and kids, not to mention divorces, menopause and death.
One in eight marriages these days stems from an online meeting. So please...become a statistic, then tell me all about it.

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